24 December 2012

12.24.12 - Church favoritism

I could very easily get in the flesh here and potentially ruin my witness.  But the text in the first half of James 2 gets me worked up.  I admit it.  It always has.  It hits home and gets a bit personal for me.  Ephesians 4:26 says to not sin in your anger.  I'll do my best not to.

First and foremost, I have to remind myself that I cannot add to or inspire God's Word any more than He has or will do through his Holy Spirit.  It stands alone and is truly "sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of the soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12)

Speak, Word of God, speak...


My two cents here - and I'll  go toe to toe with anyone reading and willing to do so - but I believe this to be a massive issue in the American church today.  Perhaps one of the biggest, as so much flows downhill within the body from this core issue.  I've seen this partiality in action.  I've helped build churches and served on well-intentioned leadership teams that have been blind to this partiality.  I will refrain from incriminating and disgusting examples.  (Stop, Ryan.  Listen to your words above.)

Lord, forgive us.  Forgive me.  For building organizations that cater to the consuming masses and not the poor and hungry.  For building palaces that are unwelcoming to the unwelcomed.  For not listening to the heart cry to engage the least of them.  For showing little mercy and much judgement (verse 13).

23 December 2012

12.23.12 - Religiosity warning

Lots of religiosity warnings throughout the scriptures.  The second half of James 1 offers some of that.  I suppose if you are not a 'religious' person, you can disregard.  The rest of us can take heed (in other words, anyone who claims Christ could probably listen here.  I'm first in line.)

First major point from verses 19-20...  God's righteousness does not grow from human anger.  I repeat, God's righteousness does not grow from human anger.  Probably should add that God's righteousness does not grow from human anger.  Again?

Verses 21-25, when we 'get it', we will cast out sin, receive the word and become doers of the word.  Not just hearers., but doers.  We will not soon forget what we look like in a mirror as we would forget the calling that God's word has on our lives.  Kind of humorous analogy actually.

The hammer drops in 26 & 27.  I ran through this exercise on my own.  Perhaps you could give it a try.  Fill in the blank with all of the stuff you hear, have been 'taught' or expected of you:  "Pure and undefiled religion in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit's opinion is ___________."

Attending church every Sunday?  Dressing well when attending?  Giving more than the next person?  Praying incessantly?  Memorizing the whole Bible?  Serving on every committee at church?  Achieving top leadership status?  Sharing your religious opinions with co-workers, neighbors and friends?  Voting for the 'right' guy and the 'right' side of issues?

No on all accounts.  Sobering is the answer in verse 27.  Even more sobering is it's lack of implementation in the church today.  But that shouldn't stop a one of us, right?


22 December 2012

12.22.12 - Being tested

When I am under pressure, I want relief.  When tested, I just want to be done.  Endurance racing mirrors so many facets of life.  And when racing, when the trials come - the pain and suffering - I want to quit.  Literally (see Pinhoti 100 post.)  And to say I am generally happy amidst any trial would be less than true.

This is not God's plan or approach for our testing and trials.  When they  undoubtedly come (if they don't, we have to ask ourselves, are we actually IN the faith?)  James 1 offers hope and a game plan...

Be joyful in them, verse 2.  They are necessary to build endurance and create a perfect result, verses 3-4.  They are necessary to build our faith, verses 6-8.  They impart humility, verses 9-11.  They lead to a blessing, verse 12.

Then an important differentiation in verses 13-18...  God tests.  Satan tempts.  God cannot tempt.  Trials build up.  Temptations tear down.  Trials lead to life.  Temptations lead to sin, which leads to death.  Trials are birthed out of our love and dependence on Him.  Temptations are birthed out of the lust and enticements of our hearts.  In the end, they are both His to overcome.

Father, may we welcome the trials and testings in our lives.  And see them as a necessary means to grow and perfect our faith.  Give us grace and courage to defeat the enticements of our hearts that lead to death.  We fully trust the work you are finishing in our lives.


05 December 2012

12.5.12 - Narrow (red letters)

I’ve always been familiar with and often heard tossed around the second part of John 10:10, but not sure that I’d ever really dug into all of the context before and after it (coincidentally, it’s today’s verse of the day on biblegateway.com.) 

You may be familiar…  “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”  Absolutely Jesus did exactly that, no questions asked.  And while this verse is often used as a loving, universal catch-all, the irony in the surrounding verses is in the narrow analogy.  The one gate.  The only gate.  Jesus describes and owns a singular sacrificial system, states he is the only way to abundant life now and everlasting, and calls anything otherwise murderous and destructive thievery.  So shocking and offensive was this narrow message that in the remaining versus of chapter 10, he is dubbed a demon, insane, worthy of stoning, a blasphemer, and sought for arrest.

He did come to give life and abundantly.  A loving, kind, gracious Savior “who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4).  But there is only one gate.  And it is narrow.  “For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.  For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”  (Matthew 7:14).

03 December 2012

12.3.12 - Guarding the heart

The instruction in Proverbs 4 is priceless.  Verse 23 grabbed my attention this morning…  "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life."  Which would also mean that from it can flow death.  Our words, our actions or lack thereof, our motives, our lethargy, can all bring death to ourselves, our walk with God, and to others.  We must protect our hearts that they may truly do the function they were intended to – give life.  Through the gospel.  Through wisdom and fear of the Lord.  Through the love and grace of Jesus.  

Let us protect our hearts from anything that would lead us or others to death.  By attention to His Word, not losing sight on Him, and fixing our gaze straight ahead, let our hearts be flowing springs of life.

28 November 2012

11.28.12 - Citizenship?

Reflecting this morning on Jesus' prayer in John 17.  Reflecting on one of the subjects of his petition -  us.  Here is what he describes:

A people who are not just hearers, but keepers of God's word...  A people who recognize the only source of eternal life...  A people who have changed their citizenship from this world to another...  A people so tied to God's word they are hated by this world (so much so they require protection from this world...)  A sent people, carrying the gospel into the world.

His prayer is assumptive.  If we are truly in Him, then this is what it looks like.  For all of us.  All starting with his Word, imparted in us through Jesus himself.

A song by Caedmon's Call a few years back captures the struggle within these versus. One I relate to.  You may as well.

There's tarnish on the golden rule
And I wanna jump from this ship of fools
Show me a place where hope is young
And a people who aren't afraid to love

This world has nothing for me and this world has everything
All that I could want and nothing that I need

This world is making me drunk on the spirits of fear.
So when he says who will go, I am nowhere near.

And the least of these look like criminals to me
So I leave Christ on the street

This world has held my hand and has led me into intolerance
But now I'm waking up, but now I'm breaking up
But now I'm making up for lost time

26 November 2012

11.26.12 - Bon Jovi

Last week I was in the car, the radio tuned to some local station. I found myself singing along to a Bon Jovi song. ‘Living on a Prayer’ if I’m not mistaken. I was peeling off lyrics as if I was front and center at Madison Square Garden with Richie Sambora at my side. Then, it occurred to me…

How do I even know this song? How do I know these lyrics? I’m not a Bon Jovi fan. Nor ever have been. I’ve never owned an album. I never had a stone-washed jean jacket or attempted to create a perfectly coiffed, feathered mane of hair (I did a lot of other ridiculous things to my hair.)

For some crazy reason, this scenario last week came to mind as I was in Psalm 119 this morning. Versus 9 thru 16. I have no desire to store up these lyrics. Declare them with my mouth. Not forget them. Yet, I’ve done just the opposite. Sometimes intentionally and other times by lazily allowing it. Things other than the God’s word, commandments, statutes, rules, precepts have occupied far too much landscape in my mind over the years. Dare I say, in my heart.

I wonder what Bon Jovi thinks about Jesus? Or if anyone has ever shared the gospel with him?

Father in Heaven, with my whole heart may I seek you. Let me not wander from your commandments. May I stored up your word in my heart that I may not sin against you. And that your Word is more common and recallable than a Bon Jovi song I could care less about.


24 November 2012

11.24.12 - Investing

If we make no investments in our retirement, we can expect there to be nothing there when we need it.

If we make no investments in our family, we can expect there to be nothing to fall back on when times are tough and challenging.

If we make no investments in our training, we can expect there to be no fitness to tap into when the race gets difficult.

"I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11

Another way of putting it, I’ve banked/saved your promises in the vault of my heart so I won’t let sin bankrupt me.

If we make no investments in the Word, we can expect to fall - and quickly - when trial and temptation strike. 

Friends, let's make an investment today.


23 November 2012

11.23.12 - Who is my enemy?

Each day brings a new set of battles. Struggles. Temptations. These words connote that there is then in fact, an enemy. So who is it? Is it your spouse? Your child(ren)? Co-worker? Neighbor? Friend? Acquaintance? God? You? All of the above?

To fight the enemy, you have to know who it is and how to fight it. I give way too little credence to the enemy. There is a correct answer, by the way. And there is someone I bet who knows it. Her name is Lisa. She is a friend of a friend. Full time occupation is wife and mother to ten children. Her other occupation - a sidewalk counselor. She regularly visits abortion facilities and pleads on behalf of the unborn. Here is her literal account from last Tuesday as she interacted with those passing in and out of the facility…

"They threatened to murder my children in front of me before killing me. They told me they enjoy killing their babies and want to kill mine. Then another man here says he's seen Satan and is fully intent on enjoying the murder of his baby. I am talking today of SPECIFIC INSTANCES. And sadly MANY do not see what we see and hear what we hear here. Many women know and actually embrace their child's murder."

An extreme example? Ephesians 6:12 says, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." The Message translation calls this battle "…for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels."

Still extreme? But surely there's a different enemy in my day to day battles? No, Ryan. No, friends. That's it.

But as always, hope. Comfort. And a battle plan. Right there, wrapped about verse 12 is the answer in verses 10-11, 13-18. The whole armor of God… Belt of truth… Breastplate of righteousness… Readiness given by the gospel… Shield of faith… Helmet of salvation… Sword of the Spirit.

Let's fight, friends. But know who we are fighting and how to win!


11.22.12 - Thank you for the cross

I woke up early with food and thanks on the mind. So much to give thanks for. My mind and heart went to the last supper. The account (Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22, John 13…) 

"When it was time, He sat down, all the apostles with Him, and said, 'You’ve no idea how much I have looked forward to eating this Passover meal with you before I enter my time of suffering. It’s the last one I’ll eat until we all eat it together in the kingdom of God.'

Taking bread, He blessed it, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, 'This is my body, given for you. Eat it in my memory. He did the same with the cup after supper, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant written in my blood, blood poured out for you.'"

Thank You for the cross Lord
Thank You for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came
And gave amazing grace - Hillsong

The ultimate sacrifice. The ultimate gift. From it, all praise and blessings flow. May you and yours embrace this as we celebrate today.

11.21.12 - Homecoming

A friend's status/post I read and commented on yesterday led be back to two of the most amazing (and my favorite) stories in the Scriptures… One is the thief hanging on the cross (I wrote a bit on it in a posted around the time of Christopher Hitchens' death. Perhaps more on that later.) The other is the prodigal son out of Luke 15. If I may ask, please, go to it and read it. Luke 15:11-32. Lots of online options if you don't have a Bible handy. Here, if you'd like:http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+15&version=ESV

Jesus speaking of the prodigal there in verse 21… "And the son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.'"

Now soak in the father's response in verses 22-24… "bring the best robe, ring on his hand, shoes on feet, kill the fattened calf, CELEBRATE, my son was dead, now alive… lost, now found." And then the older brother's response in verses 25-30, and the father's to him thru 32…

Friends, where are we today? A prodigal that needs to return home? An older brother that is seething in anger, resentment, and entitlement? A father that needs to welcome a prodigal home?

Let's come home. As stated in 2 Corinthians 12:9, His grace is all we need. His power is made perfect in our weakness.

11.20.12 - Prone to wander

Some of the most honest lyrics ever to be penned were in 1757 by 22 year old Robert Robinson in the classic hymn "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing"... 'Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love;'

I hear you, Bob. That's me. Like every day sometimes. Some of you may relate. Prone to turn from God and choose self, sin, insert blank (there are options, for me at least.)  God knows we will do this. Just like he watched the Israelites wander. This is recounted in 1Corinthians 10. In verse 12, He tells us to 'Be careful. Your self confidence is useless. You are capable of jacking it up as bad as the Israelites did.' But then in verse 13, hope. 'When the temptation comes (and it will come) it will be a temptation common to man. Nothing new under the sun. And it's not beyond what you can handle. And… I'll give you a way out, so that you can endure."

I wander more than I'd like to admit. I'm hopeful today because of these verses. I pray you are as well.

11.19.12 - Do I love Him?

Why in John 21 did Jesus have to ask Peter three times if he loved Him? The same reason He has to ask me every day. Because despite my claims of loving Him, I don't do what He asked me to do. Jesus has looked us each in the eye and said, 'If you love Me, you'll feed My sheep. You'll shepherd my flock.' Simple as that, Ryan. Simple as that, friends. If we've seen His eyes, we will do.

11.18.12 - New in Christ. Completely.

Powerful words this morning from 2 Corinthians 5... "new creation... reconciled to Himself... ambassadors for Christ... the righteousness of God in Him." Friend, is this me? Is this you? 

Or are we the opposite of the above... "old self/the same... in disagreement with Him... enemy of Christ... unrighteousness apart from God..." 

If we are truly in Him, let us live so. Anew. Reconciled. Ambassadors. Righteous. That old self? We shouldn't even know where to find him/her!

11.17.12 - To fear or not to fear

"The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and rescues them... O fear the Lord, you His saints; For to those who fear Him there is no want... Come, you children, listen to Me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord..." Psalm 34:7,9,11

"The fear of the Lord IS the beginning of knowledge!" (Prov 1:7) But the countless times I've been the second part of that verse - "the fool that despises wisdom and instruction." Choosing sin, laziness, selfishness over a healthy fear of the Lord. May we all... may I... fear Him today and walk in His path of righteousness!

10 November 2012

11.03 & 04.12 - Pinhoti 100 - Heflin to Sylacauga, AL

I knew at several points during the Pinhoti 100, I was going to have to pick up the pen again.

I sort of lost my race recap mojo in 2010 & 2011. I had been posting pretty regularly on my blog site, including pictures and whatnot, and just sort of lost the passion for it. Somewhat because I felt I was saying some of the same things over and over again and it was a bit stale. Somewhat because I’m a middle of the pack age grouper that was questioning myself and if I really had anything of value to put out there. So I stopped. Then Pinhoti happened. And there were things I wanted to say. And some things I needed to say.

Let’s go straight to the things that need to be said…

Many of you know how this deal works. You set the stage about the race. Then the blow-by-blow details. Then the lessons learned, acknowledgements, etc. In the case of Pinhoti, only one thing really matters. The acknowledgements. ‘The Whos’. The rest of the details I likened to something between a twenty-seven and a half hour Stanley Kubrick film and a purest form of euphoria. None of which matters in the slightest or ever would have come to fruition without ‘The Whos’.

Nate Hearns and Scott Harber… There is a fourth. Matt Miller. But we’ll get to him in a minute. We had many talks prior to Pinhoti about our race plan and approach. We had no idea what would actually happen or how it would unfold. Unfortunately, my race was in jeopardy in the bus on the ride to the start line in Heflin, AL. The last seven miles in a school bus on a very choppy service road had me chewing on Tums like Smarties and contemplating opening the bus window and hanging my head out to relieve myself. And the meltdown kept on from here.

Over the course of the 100 miles, I believe I legitimately quit five times. I insisted (sometime angrily) that Nate and Scott go on. And they simply would not leave me. They both selflessly sacrificed to pull me along that trail. Sometimes literally. Pushing me out of aid stations. Pulling me up and out of chairs I was trying to sleep in. And as the race progressed, it simply came to this – I couldn’t leave them. It wasn’t an option. For any of us. We had to finish. And it had to be together. No questions asked.

After the fact we came to realize two things – Had we broken up and gone solo at any point, our chances of finishing were slim. For me, the chances were nil. We also had no idea the significance of three people toeing the line of a 100 miler together, staying together and crossing together. Apparently this is practically unheard of. Odd thing for us, we couldn’t imagine it any other way.

The bond I’ve had with these two friends was strong before the race. I’d venture to say it’s now unbreakable. The Message translation of Ecclesiastes 4:12 can’t say it better…

“By yourself you’re unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third?
A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped.” Amen.

Allyson Werner, Morgan Hearns and Anne Harber… The wives. The crew. In addition to months of support leading up to the race, our wives followed us to the unmolested single-track trails of the Talladega National Forest to take on crew duties. We would quickly learn how absolutely critical this role was. Much more so than we could have imagined going into the race.

Anne, along with their two boys, Riley and Ethan, took the day shift. Basically the aid stations up to mile 41. They yelled. They cheered. They encouraged. At mile 41, I will be forever indebted to Anne for doing one of the most simple (and gross) things one could ask of someone else – help removing a sock. We had crossed a somewhat deep stream some 10-15 miles earlier. My feet were toast. Socks still wet and covered in junk from the trail. I grabbed a chair at the 41 aid station and proceeded to try and remove my socks. Compression socks at that. I got one, but the other I simply could not. Every time I bent over, my IT band would lock up so bad it would throw me back into the chair. I called on Anne, and not only did she get the sock off but she proceeded to dig her thumb and finger into my hip and help relieve the pressure on my IT band. Had it not been for her, I may not have left the 41 station. I was done. I think for the third time at this point. She then proceeded to hand me her phone. It was Allyson. I don’t remember the conversation. It doesn’t matter. I had new life. And new reason to get to mile 55 where she would be waiting.

The sun set somewhere between miles 41 and 55. We made our way through the darkness and emerged from the hole in the woods into the party scene known as the mile 55 aid station where I was anxious to collapse into Allyson’s arms and hand in my bib. I did just that, fell into her arms. But she and the others were having none of the quitting stuff. She and Morgan had laid out a very comfortable blanket in the parking lot and a literal spread of caloric bliss. I was struggling to put anything in my mouth at this point. Nate and Scott, not so much. They ate plenty for me. Dozing in and out of consciousness, I recall the conversation including the girl’s gymnastics results, our friend Matt Miller pulling out at mile 30, and food. All I wanted was to stay on that blanket. Forever. I wish there was more to it, but Allyson and Morgan both in their own ways looked at me and said something that included ‘Get up. You are going to do this. You are staying with these guys. Stopping is not an option.’ And so, it wasn’t. I stood. I moved. Allyson’s hope and expectation moved me forward.

We repeated this routine… miles 60, 65, 69. Then, it was into the abyss known as miles 69-85 (insert reference to a Kubrick film.) A couple of things got me through, but the main one was simply knowing Allyson was waiting for me. And that she and Morgan expected me to be there with Nate and Scott. I had to stop half way up Horn Mountain around mile 73 and puke for several minutes. I stood there bent over, then was moved by the thought… ‘Ok.. Now go. Allyson is waiting.’ So I went.

And there she was. Mile 85, then 90, 95, and of course at the finish line. She and Morgan had navigated through the night on literally a few hours of sleep providing not just food and supplies, but her. That is what did it. Just her. Being there, telling me I could and not giving me an option otherwise. Without her and the support of Morgan, I would still be laying face down in some remote parking lot of the mile 55 aid station. My love and gratitude is beyond words.

Matt Miller… Killah Millah. The unsung hero of the race. It can easily be argued that Matt is responsible for this ultra madness. He was the seasoned ultra veteran and ultimately the one who identified Pinhoti and moved us toward it. For as long as we’ve known Matt, it’s no secret that his kryptonite is heat. So when we saw in the days leading up to Pinhoti that Saturday was calling for a high in the low 80’s, we knew there could be problems. And unfortunately there were. Matt left the mile 28 aid station and shortly after the body simply broke down. The vomiting wouldn’t stop. Things weren’t working. Versus pressing ahead to the 35 stop and then up the climb of Cheaha, he turned around and back tracked the couple of miles back to 28. A decision that was difficult to say the least, but the right one.

The girls heard Matt had DNF’d and as stated prior had passed along that news to us at the 55 aid station. But we had no other details. As Nate, Scott and I emerged from the dark into the mile 60 aid station, I thought I had in fact begun to loose what was left of my mind. There he was. In the literal middle of nowhere. Matthew D. Miller. Trying to gather my wits and comprehend what was going on, Matt proceeded to explain that the folks running the mile 60 aid station were the same folks that manned the 28 station. When he had returned to 28 to DNF, they nursed him back to life and then he was along for the ride.

What I observed at 60 and the remaining aid stations was one of the most inspirational things I’ve ever been a part of. I’m sitting here in tears even as I type this. I saw a guy who could have easily packed it in. Went back to the hotel and slept. Perhaps sulked, loaded the car and went home. Instead, he came back from the dead and made a decision to help get us to the line. He greeted us with open arms. He scrambled for food and drinks. He spoke encouragement. Not just for us, but for all of the runners. The girls said he owned the stations when he was there. In additional to all of the pressure above, now there was Matt. I wasn’t going to let him down. He stayed to see us – all three of us together – finish. I had no option but to do my part. I was going to finish for Matt. He’d earned that.

As far as the actual race details? Inconsequential really the more I wrote the above. We finished 100 miles in 27 hours, 22 minutes. 63rd, 64th and 65th out of 108 finishers (197 people started the race.)  For me, a song can often sum it up far better than I can. And in this case, it happens to be Rob Base from 1988. I only regret I didn’t have more energy at the finish line to throw some moves (with the white guy, squinty eyed, bottom-lip overbite, of course.)