23 December 2012

12.23.12 - Religiosity warning

Lots of religiosity warnings throughout the scriptures.  The second half of James 1 offers some of that.  I suppose if you are not a 'religious' person, you can disregard.  The rest of us can take heed (in other words, anyone who claims Christ could probably listen here.  I'm first in line.)

First major point from verses 19-20...  God's righteousness does not grow from human anger.  I repeat, God's righteousness does not grow from human anger.  Probably should add that God's righteousness does not grow from human anger.  Again?

Verses 21-25, when we 'get it', we will cast out sin, receive the word and become doers of the word.  Not just hearers., but doers.  We will not soon forget what we look like in a mirror as we would forget the calling that God's word has on our lives.  Kind of humorous analogy actually.

The hammer drops in 26 & 27.  I ran through this exercise on my own.  Perhaps you could give it a try.  Fill in the blank with all of the stuff you hear, have been 'taught' or expected of you:  "Pure and undefiled religion in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit's opinion is ___________."

Attending church every Sunday?  Dressing well when attending?  Giving more than the next person?  Praying incessantly?  Memorizing the whole Bible?  Serving on every committee at church?  Achieving top leadership status?  Sharing your religious opinions with co-workers, neighbors and friends?  Voting for the 'right' guy and the 'right' side of issues?

No on all accounts.  Sobering is the answer in verse 27.  Even more sobering is it's lack of implementation in the church today.  But that shouldn't stop a one of us, right?


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