03 December 2012

12.3.12 - Guarding the heart

The instruction in Proverbs 4 is priceless.  Verse 23 grabbed my attention this morning…  "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life."  Which would also mean that from it can flow death.  Our words, our actions or lack thereof, our motives, our lethargy, can all bring death to ourselves, our walk with God, and to others.  We must protect our hearts that they may truly do the function they were intended to – give life.  Through the gospel.  Through wisdom and fear of the Lord.  Through the love and grace of Jesus.  

Let us protect our hearts from anything that would lead us or others to death.  By attention to His Word, not losing sight on Him, and fixing our gaze straight ahead, let our hearts be flowing springs of life.

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